Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Elusive Horny Housewife and some comments on blogspot blogs

I was surfing around blogspot looking for an interesting read, I actually really wanted to find something to post a comment about. I thought it kind of those three people who visited my site today to post comments.
Ya'll come back ya hear!
During my quest to comment I found this site,
Deadly lure? Perhaps.
Who are all these people starting lame blogs?
Aren't they wasting their precious time? But more importantly, isn't HerbaLife passe? I don't know when it was all the rage anyway. And whoever is responsible for starting a blog to sell Avon products should feel ashamed of themselves.
Babies, yes, they are cute if they weren't who would bother buying them all of those diaper genies and Whoozit whatzit crap.

There were a few sites that caught my eye
But, hey Chris, if you bother to check this out maybe you could post an entry about why you don't have anywhere for me to send you comments!
and one on Friendster:
"Hateration" Kia made me laugh. Yes, I agree they are all stupid famous people. Oh, but Ms. Kia, why oh why are you interested in that Jake Gyllenhaal, (is that how his name is spelled?). How is it that he gets spared your wrath?
Still looking for some stimulating bloggin' action
Your gal, Ms. VS.


Blogger Mark A. said...

I really hate the feeling that comes after you see you have several comments, only to find they were left by spammers. The excitement that slowly fades away to depression reminds me of Easter chocolates. You open the box excitedly, pop a sweet-looking chocolate into your mouth just knowing it will be filled with sweet, sweet caramel, only to find a mushy pink doughy substance that becomes more revolting the longer you chew it.

Keep blogging your heart out. Readers will catch up. (At least that's what I keep telling myself)

11:55 PM  

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